Type: Departmenti / Uffiċċini tal-Gvern

Affarijiet ta l-UE

Mission Statement 

To co-ordinate EU related matters, both at a domestic level and with other EU stakeholders, and to co-ordinate the formulation of the Ministry’s position on policies proposed by the EU. 


Main Areas of Responsibility 

  • Making optimum use of EU funds available for programmes and initiative.
  • Disseminating information on policies being proposed and discussed by the European Union.
  • Co-ordinating the Ministry’s involvement in COREPER and other EU Comitology.


Core Functions 
  • To fulfil the obligations and oversee the functions of the position of Senior Programming Officer, including the co-ordination of all issues within the Ministry dealing with EU funds.
  • To keep abreast of the policies being proposed and discussed by the European Union that might have a direct or indirect effect on the strategy or operations of the Ministry.
  • To oversee the development of and recommend to the Permanent Secretary, the Ministry’s position on policies proposed by the EU.
  • To disseminate EU information to key stakeholders in a timely and expedient manner.
  • Managing the administrative work related to the Ministry’s involvement in COREPER and Comitology meetings.